California Association of State Auditors

P.O. BOX 13844
Sacramento, CA 95853
(916) 633-1CPE (1273)

California Association of State Auditors

P.O. BOX 13844
Rancho Cordova, CA 95853
(916) 633-1CPE (1273)
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California Association of State Auditors
P.O. BOX 13844
Rancho Cordova, CA 95853
(916) 633-1CPE (1273)
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Events Calendar

Artificial Intelligence (AI)/Robotic Process Automation (RPA) + Continuous Auditing/Monitoring
From Monday, November 04, 2024 -  08:30am
To Tuesday, November 05, 2024 - 12:30pm
Hits : 597
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Artificial Intelligence (AI)/Robotic Process Automation (RPA): Risks and Key Uses 

AI and RPA are burgeoning topics in the corporate and internal audit world.  How are they used inside the organization and what are the key risks from an audit standpoint?  How can internal audit use these new tools to maximize their operational effectiveness?  This course will take attendees through all of these topics.
  • Understand the difference between AI and RPA
  • Discuss how corporate America is utilizing both and the key risks to consider from an audit perspective
  • Learn how internal audit can utilize both tools to improve the internal audit process

Continuous Auditing/Monitoring
Continuous auditing has changed the internal auditing paradigm from periodic reviews of a small sample of transactions to ongoing audit testing of volumes of transactions. This seminar focuses on identifying what must be done to make effective use of information technology in support of continuous auditing. This timely, one-day seminar is designed for internal audit management, compliance managers, controllers, CFOs, and others who have to create value within the internal audit function.

Monday and Tuesday, 8:30am-12:30pm
Location Online via Zoom
Instructor: Danny Goldberg

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