California Association of State Auditors

P.O. BOX 13844
Sacramento, CA 95853
(916) 633-1CPE (1273)

California Association of State Auditors

P.O. BOX 13844
Rancho Cordova, CA 95853
(916) 633-1CPE (1273)
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California Association of State Auditors
P.O. BOX 13844
Rancho Cordova, CA 95853
(916) 633-1CPE (1273)
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Events Calendar

From Monday, October 21, 2024 -  08:30am
To Tuesday, October 22, 2024 - 12:30pm
Hits : 389
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This session is intended to provide attendees with opportunities to learn how to enhance their internal
audit reporting processes and formats. You will embark on an audit reporting transformational journey
while also picking up practical concepts to help enhance multiple aspects of internal audit reporting. The
journey will be particularly helpful for internal audit practitioners who believe that a wholesale
transformation is needed for their team, while those who have already made significant changes to their
reporting formats and processes may benefit more from key takeaways.
Who Should Attend: Internal audit leaders and practitioners who are interested in transforming their
audit report formats and/or related processes or further refining changes they have already made.
(NASBA Field of Study: Auditing)
Objectives: • Learning how to embark on a transformational audit reporting journey • Obtaining
practical guidance and insights about potential changes to audit reporting formats and related
methodologies • Streamline, enhance, and improve communication of audit results to key stakeholders,
including management and Audit Committees.
1. The Case for transforming audit reporting.
2. Building consensus for change.
3. Deploying an agile audit reporting approach.
4. Audit Report Definitions.
5. Blocking and tackling audit observations.
6. Building a bridge from observations to overall report rating.
7. Putting the bows on reporting.
8. Formatting, communication, and post-report follow-up.
9. Special situations.

Class will be held Monday and Tuesday, 8:30am - 12:30pm
Location Online via Zoom
Instructor: Neil Frieser (GoldSRD)

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