Events Calendar
New Global Internal Audit Standards
Monday, March 18, 2024, 08:30am - 04:30pm
Hits : 988
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Course description: This course is designed to give Internal Auditors at all levels, in
business and industry and the public sector, familiarity with The Institute of Internal
Auditors (IIA) new Global Internal Audit Standards (GIAS). The course explores changes
from the previous International Professional Practices Framework (IPPF), providing the
requirements and recommendations to guide the professional practice of quality internal
auditing globally. It includes a focus on guidance for public sector and small audit activities.
The course can be expanded to include risk assessment processes to be applied to annual
and engagement level planning.
Course format: The content is delivered in the live or virtual classroom, through a
combination of instructor lecture and power point presentations, group discussions and
team exercises. The course can be delivered in a high-level, one day exploratory format, two
half-day sessions (virtual only) or up to three days for in-depth, comprehensive study. The
course is customized to the needs of the client.
Course learning objectives include:
• Develop awareness of the five domains of the IIA’s new GIAS.
• Develop awareness of the Principles outlined in the GIAS, distinguished from the
• Develop awareness of the process for transitioning from the former IPPF to the new
• Develop awareness of application of the new GIAS.
• Develop awareness of other guidance: The Global Practice Guides and the Global
Technology Audit Guides.
At the conclusion of this course, participants will understand:
• The transition timeline from the former IPPF to the new GIAS, including IIA
certification examinations.
• The five domains of the new GIAS.
• The Principles outlined in the GIAS, distinguished from the Standards.
• The application of the new GIAS.
• Specific guidance for public sector and small audit activities.
• The applicability and usefulness of other guidance: The Global Practice Guides and
Global Technology Audit Guides.
NASBA Field of Study: Auditing (Governmental)
Recommended CPE: 8.0
Location Hilton Arden West
Instructor: Vicki McIntyre