California Association of State Auditors

P.O. BOX 13844
Sacramento, CA 95853
(916) 633-1CPE (1273)

California Association of State Auditors

P.O. BOX 13844
Rancho Cordova, CA 95853
(916) 633-1CPE (1273)
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California Association of State Auditors
P.O. BOX 13844
Rancho Cordova, CA 95853
(916) 633-1CPE (1273)
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Events Calendar

Root Cause Analysis for Auditors
From Monday, August 21, 2023 -  08:30am
To Tuesday, August 22, 2023 - 12:30pm
Hits : 1424
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Course Overview
Have you even communicated a recommendation only to discover the implemented recommendation didn’t resolve the problem? Do you feel like you identify symptoms of problems? Does your organization use the Band-Aid approach to correcting communicated audit findings? If you answered yes to any of these questions, this course is for you.
Root cause analysis is a process to identify and resolve the root cause behind problems to prevent recurring failures. As part of the audit process, root cause analysis is an essential element of communicating findings and determining the corrective actions.
While management should perform root cause analysis, they often don’t have the time and will simply implement a recommendation provided by the auditors. This means that auditors must complete a root cause analysis. However, identifying the root cause is hard and often overlooked by auditors. Moreover, the root cause may be politically sensitive when communicated by auditors.
This workshop is designed for auditors and managers who want to resolve problems once and for all. Attendees will perform a root cause analysis on a problem they are currently facing using proven root cause analysis tools and techniques.
Who should attend
  • Internal audit staff performing audits, communicating results, and making recommendations
Learning Objectives
At the end of this program, attendees will be able to:
Differentiate between stating a cause and determining the root cause
List each of the elements needed to perform effective root cause analysis
Define the benefits of Root Cause Analysis 
Explain the benefits of RCA to create an approach for your company
Apply the root cause analysis methods to problem solving
Program level:  Basic
Prerequisites:  None
Advance Preparation:  None
Instructional Method:  Group-live
Recommended CPE credit to be awarded for the program:  Field of Study – Auditing
Registration Fee: $350

Class will be held Monday and Tuesday, from 8:30am-12:30pm
Location Online via Zoom
Instructor: Raven Catlin

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